Minnie Lippiatt
Acrylic paint brings out the image I see in the grains of the wood.
This story begins with a little girl who found solace in one stinky tree that lived in the concrete jungle Minnie Lippiatt grew up in. Since the time she was able to pick up a crayon, drawing, painting and playing games around that tree helped her survive life. Art has always been Minnie's passion, followed only by working with children with disabilities which she has done all of her adult life.
As an adult, Minnie has come full circle to one of the same influences that affected her childhood, a tree. One day a friend showed her and her partner a wood canvas and at once they both shouted “it’s a bear”. She was hooked on finding images in the wood grains of discarded pallets and tree remnants. She then uses acrylic paint to bring out and show the image she believes the wood wants her to share.
Minnie feels that while she may be but a blink in time, she believes art belongs everywhere and is for everyone. She would like people to look for the good in life and she tries to bring that goodness out in her paintings.