Paul Anderson
Email me with any questions or comments

Paul has had a life long love affair with photography. He grew up in St. Louis and as a kid traveled to the mountains of Colorado every summer to vacation. His artistic Dad always carried a camera when hiking in those mountains. When he was about 12 his Dad gave him his old Argus Anastigmat 35 mm camera. He still has slides from those days-and the camera.
His passion for photography grew. As a grad student he spent many hours in the darkroom developing black and white print from images from an electron microscope. He would analyze the scientific merits of the work...but was also struck by the beautiful composition and patterns in cells. This led to a career in science and research. But it was not to last.
The pull of photography and being a full-time artist was too strong. Paul then became a commercial photographer and multimedia producer. Many of his photos won awards. But it was still not enough. Photography as a pure art form was still beckoning. Patterns had always fascinated him. The patterns of
color and graphic effects that draw you into a photograph. Why does one stop and look at a photograph? Trying to answer this question is his passion...photographing something simple in a way that it becomes more to the eye. A reed in the water, a flower, a sunrise, a pier. He loves finding old cars, barns, and machinery.
He has traveled the world photographing in India, Africa, Australia, Europe and spends a lot of time in Michigan and Colorado where he lives. His inspiration...photographing the land, the water, the fields, and images of days gone by. He see patterns everywhere. He hopes you do too.
Why does one stop and look at a photograph? Trying to answer this question is his passion.