IN PURSUIT WEDNESDAYS --- hosted by Northern Colorado Artist Community (NOCOAC)

Get ready for the In Pursuit Wednesday Workshops, a two-part series that's as fun as it is enlightening!
The first part is a FREE community discussion on a range of riveting topics, setting the stage for a hands-on workshop the next Wednesday, diving right into the heart of the subjects discussed. Participation in the later workshop is optional, though a nominal fee is required. Registration for the interactive section takes place at the free community chat!
Brought to you by the Northern Colorado Artist Community, these workshops are happening on the 3rd and 4th Wednesdays of February, April, June, August, and October, from 6:00-7:30pm. Don't miss out!
We will gather at NOCOAC Headquarters - across the parking lot from the gallery, Unit A

A.J. De Musis
Owner of Mountain Lion Garden Supply, Laporte
The Mystery of Growing Mushrooms and Hydroponic Plants
Humans have been cultivating plants and mushrooms for food and medicine for thousands of years. The supplies we sell at Mountain Lion Garden Supply make these activities approachable and easier to do at home hobbyist scale.
We will be discussing different ways to grow plants hydroponically and how it compares to growing in other media. We will also discuss equipment needs, natural pest control and different fertilizers for indoor gardening. Finally, we will touch upon home mushroom cultivation and lead into the mushroom cultivation workshop the following week.
Free Community program
Description of Workshop:
The workshop will consist of a discussion of different techniques of cultivating culinary mushrooms at home. There will be a demonstration of some of these techniques and the equipment used. Participants will inoculate their own all-in-one grow bags and take them home for the fruiting and harvesting phase.
Registration for workshop will take place at the free lecture, Wed. Feb. 19th
$20 fee for program
Northern Colorado Artist Community 3121 Kintzley Ct. Unit A, Laporte, CO 80535 970.818.8928